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July 2023

IT профессия: советы для выбора и начальных шагов в сфере

By IT ОбразованиеNo Comments

В частности, речь идет об основах email-маркетинга, веб-аналитики и контекстной рекламы. Hubspot Academy предлагает платные курсы для маркетологов, сейлзов и менеджмента. В Google Digital Workshop в свободном доступе 19 онлайн-курсов, обучающих основам цифрового маркетинга, развитию карьеры и работе с данными. В международной бизнес-школе Laba обучают поиску и найму работников, маркетингу и пиару, финансам, бизнесу и управлению. Выбрать профессию для старта можно среди 48 курсов. IT Cluster Academy предлагает платные курсы по базовым специальностям в IT.

SMART-цели: лучший помощник в планировании для программистов

  • Основная обязанность продакта — не генерация «фичей», а решение проблем (болей) пользователя.
  • Лично у меня в портфолио офисы ЕРАМ в Казахстане, Колумбии, Канаде, Литве, Латвии и, конечно, в Украине.
  • После этого еще возможно развитие до Lead-дизайнера, Principal дизайнера и т.д.
  • Web-дизайнер — художник интернет-проекта, отвечает за привлекательность его «интерьера».

Программа подготовки в этих университетах продумана так, чтобы студенты изучали компьютерные программы связанные с моделированием, дизайном и проектированием. Также в курс обучения включены предметы, где студенты изучают веб-графику, макет страницы сайта и методы визуального искусства для коммуникации через веб-ресурсы. Не все перспективные профессии в IT-сфере связаны с программированием. Например, не менее востребованным направлением есть UI/UX-дизайн — процесс проектирование интерфейсов для позитивного опыта пользователей, которые взаимодействуют с продуктом или услугой. Успешный веб-дизайн сосредоточен на потребностях пользователей, он помогает им быстро и удобно выполнять задачи и достигать целей. Задача UI/UX-дизайнера хорошо продумать интерфейс продукта, чтобы он привлекал, конвертировал и удерживал целевую аудиторию, повышая лояльность к бренду.

Какие дизайнеры есть в IT

Специальность 022.01 “Графический дизайн” – кем можно работать

Как по мне, — просто означает быть плохим дизайнером. Да, я говорю о дизайне прежде всего как о продуманном функциональном решении, которое, к тому же, эстетически привлекательно. Это не просто бессистемное создание чего-то красивого и пушистого. Очевидно, что продуманный UX, правильно подобранные цвета, формы, типографика, в конечном счете обязательно повлияют на восприятие продукта.

Кто такой UI/UX-дизайнер и чем он занимается

Мне нравится создавать что-то новое, что-то полезное и красивое, нравится улучшать и видеть достигнутый результат. Интересно и то, как изменяются тренды, появляются новые программы и фичи, нужно всегда за всем этим следить и постоянно развиваться». Основные тона дизайнер решил использовать синий-корпоративный и марсаловый – на стенах, плавно переходящий в столово-прихожую зону, и терракотовый в пуфах. Эти цвета повторяются в элементах отделки и аксессуаров во всех помещениях студии. Мы решили использовать именно синий, так как он в сочетании с другими оттенками или предметами является воплощением спокойствия и безмятежности.

лучшие it курсы

Кто такой QA-инженер и чем он занимается

Игры нуждаются не только в спецэффектах, но и в сюжете. Сюжет, логика игровой вселенной, диалоги – все это создает гейм-сценарист. Эта профессия нуждается в понимании драматургии, сторителинга и знания индустрии игр. Дизайнер исследует целевых пользователей, чтобы получить четкое представление об их потребностях, определить модели взаимодействия, разработать макеты, создать прототипы и поработать над цветом бренда. Он проводит пользовательское тестирование и анализирует метрики и реакции фокус-групп, чтобы внести необходимые изменения для улучшения продукта.

Сколько стоит обучение на графического дизайнера (грн/год)

Как ни банально это звучит, но достаточно просто больше общаться. И, как мне кажется, это должно прежде всего лежать на совести дизайнер в айти дизайнеров. Именно с них начинается разработка продукта, и именно они должны стать ключевым связующим звеном в последствии.

Промышленный дизайн — Industrial Design

Исключение — только в том случае, если обе эти професссии чудесным образом сочетаются в одном человеке. Мне кажется, что разрешить извечное недопонимание довольно легко. Достаточно сделать лишь несколько шагов навстречу друг другу. Для начала, пересмотреть существующий процесс разработки продуктов. В настоящее время я вижу определенные проблемы в общем процессе.

Зарплата и перспективы профессии web дизайнера:

Но это совсем не означает, что стоит переставать ломать стереотипы и нарушать традиции, придумывая инновационные решения. Иногда программиста может заменить и веб-дизайнер. Для этого пользуются визуальными редакторами сайтов. В нём можно перенести картинку в отзывчивый сайт без знания кода. Редактируешь, как в Фотошопе, а получается готовый продукт. В его же обязанности входит обеспечение безопасности баз данных.

Какие дизайнеры есть в IT

Гуманитарная образовательная платформа «Літосвіта» предлагает записаться на платную комплексную программу SMM и таргет. Также доступны онлайн-курсы писательского мастерства, редактирования и копирайтинга. Академия SendPulse позволяет бесплатно просматривать свои мини-курсы по интернет-маркетингу.

Спасибо большое школе за возможность обучаться веб-дизайну! Искренне рекомендую ее всем, кто мечтает о карьере в сфере веб-дизайна. Великолепный преподаватель, который не только обладает впечатляющими знаниями, но и умеет их прекрасно передать. (Алексей спасибо большое!) Мне понравилась тщательная программа курса, охватывающая все аспекты веб-дизайна. После окончания курса я чувствую себя гораздо увереннее в своих навыках и готова взяться за реальные проекты.

Есть люди, которые занимаются сейлзом, есть проджект-менеджеры, которые с улыбкой встречают клиентов. Чтобы зарабатывать, студии нанимают начинающих дизайнеров, которым платят небольшие деньги. Дизайнеров в сфере IT условно можно разделить на категории. Многие путают Trainee с Junior, ошибочно думая, что просто изучив все, они уже станут джуниорами.

И для выслушивания таких рассказов выделяется отдельная профессия — BA. Представитель которой и должен пояснить UX что вообще нужно. Если их задавать некому — никакого UX не получится. Вообще, UX — это не только как «задизайнить 1 приложение, чтобы было удобно», это взаимодействие пользователей со всеми сервисами компании и формирование отношение клиента к этим сервисам. Все должно работать на достижение компанией успеха (через решение проблем и задач юзеров) и положительного отношения от клиентов.

What Is Cryptocurrency And How Does It Work? Forbes Advisor INDIA

By Cryptocurrency serviceNo Comments

what is cryptocurrency and how does it work

It is not intended to offer access to any of such products and services. You may obtain access to such products and services on the App. Understanding the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies is essential for anyone looking to navigate this exciting and dynamic field. As the technology evolves and adoption increases, cryptocurrencies are poised to play a significant role in the future of global finance.

At most, planners suggest putting no more than 1% to 10% into Bitcoin if you’re passionate about it. “If it was one stock, you would never allocate any significant portion of your portfolio to it,” Hammel says. Bitcoin mining also pays less than it used to, making it even harder to recoup the rising computational and electrical costs. If we compare this to the UK, the country’s total electricity consumption was 330 TWh in 2020 according to the government’s most recent data. When someone buys an item in a shop using a bank card, a chain of processes take place. Cryptocurrency is all the rage right now, but remember, it is still in its relative infancy and is considered highly speculative.

Join a cryptocurrency community online.

In 2021, the number of crypto-related jobs posted on LinkedIn grew by 395 percent over the previous year 4. The industry has more than doubled in size in a single year—most of which occurred during a pandemic. As the market for crypto continues to heat up, people with knowledge and experience in the field should continue to be in high demand.

What is Cryptocurrency and how does it work?

Miners utilize hardware—often Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs)—to solve these problems. This process is competitive; the first to solve the problem adds the next block to the blockchain and receives a Bitcoin reward. Bitcoin’s surge – up about 130% this year – is one of the “Trump trades,” market moves that have kicked in since former President Donald Trump’s victory in the Nov. 5 election. Cryptocurrency is here to stay, and it’s going to make the world a better place.

With just an internet connection, individuals can access and use cryptocurrencies, bypassing the need for traditional banking infrastructure. Cryptocurrencies are not controlled by the government or central regulatory authorities. As a concept, cryptocurrency works outside of the banking system using different brands or types of coins – Bitcoin being the major player. Should you decide to use an exchange, you’ll need to find buyers for your cryptocurrency.

Cryptocurrency owners keep their currency in digital wallets, which are data-driven versions of money storage. But instead of a bank or a company, like PayPal or Visa, verifying the transaction, the blockchain records and verifies transfers of crypto. In fact, all cryptocurrency transactions which broker to choose for us resident are stored on the blockchain, which is a peer-to-peer ledger that is publicly visible. The currency stays secure thanks to a complex process of safeguarding called cryptography, which is where cryptocurrency gets its name. A cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency secured by cryptography, which makes it nearly impossible to counterfeit or double-spend.

Calculate your risks.

Before investing in any cryptocurrency, it’s essential to implement some risk management techniques. For example, investing what you can afford to lose and setting stop-loss orders to limit potential losses can make a big difference. Similar to Ethereum, BNB Chain provides an environment for smart contracts and DApps, featuring lower transaction fees and faster processing times when compared to other blockchains. Created by Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum powers a decentralized network where developers can build DApps using smart contracts. For example, Bitcoin has a predictable issuance rate and a max supply of 21 million coins, contributing to its potential as a store of value. Limited supply helps prevent inflation and may lead to increased demand over time.

what is cryptocurrency and how does it work

Instead, it uses cryptography (the process of writing and deciphering code) to issue, verify, and secure transactions. Not only is cryptocurrency secure, but it can’t be counterfeited. Cryptocurrencies can operate globally, 24/7, and independently of intermediaries such as banks and payment processors. Blockchain describes the way transactions are recorded into “blocks” and time stamped. It’s a fairly complex, technical process, but the result is a digital ledger of cryptocurrency transactions that’s hard for hackers to tamper with. Although cryptocurrencies are considered a form of money, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) treats them as financial assets or property for tax purposes.

  • Cryptocurrencies are known for their price volatility, which can lead to significant gains, but also substantial losses.
  • Tezos stands out from Bitcoin and Ethereum because it has formal governance protocols.
  • Miners are nodes that perform a special task that makes transactions possible.
  • Because of the volatility of cryptocurrencies, it comes with a substantial amount of risk that you must be aware of and understand to best manage.

The next halving is expected to take place sometime in 2024 and will see block rewards drop again, to 3.125 BTC. This process will continue until eventually there are no more coins left to be mined. Irrespective of the volume of transactions waiting to be confirmed, the Bitcoin is programmed to allow new blocks to be added to the blockchain approximately once every 10 minutes. It’s also open-source, meaning what is bitcoin mining anyone can view or share the source code Bitcoin was built upon. But many point to the surge in bitcoin’s valuation as a sign the cryptocurrency has arrived. It’s Trump’s interest in bitcoin alone that’s led to bitcoin’s climb.

Bitcoin values hit record highs. Should you invest in cryptocurrency? Here’s how it works

Past performance is not a guarantee or predictor of future performance. The value of crypto assets can increase or decrease, and you could lose all or a substantial amount of your purchase price. When assessing a crypto asset, it’s essential for you to do your research and due diligence to make the best possible judgement, as any purchases shall be your sole responsibility. Cryptocurrencies represent a revolutionary shift in how top 10 mobile app ui design ideas in 2022 we perceive and use money. They offer numerous advantages, including decentralisation, lower transaction costs, financial inclusion, and privacy. However, they also come with risks and challenges, such as volatility, regulatory concerns, security issues, and environmental impact.

Some believe it could eventually replace traditional financial systems, while others see it as a complement to existing systems. Still, cryptocurrencies have already impacted finance and technology, and their influence will likely continue to grow. The integration of cryptocurrencies with TradFi systems is likely to accelerate. Financial institutions are exploring ways to offer cryptocurrency services, such as custody, trading, and investment products. This integration could bring more stability and legitimacy to the cryptocurrency market.

However, if you’re serious about becoming a professionally employed trader, earning a degree can vastly improve your chances of landing a job. Many companies hiring in the crypto space require a degree in business, finance, or computer science, depending on which position you’d like. If you’re interested in obtaining crypto, you need to find specialized online locations that cater to crypto users and traders. When you use Bitcoin as a currency, not an investment, in the U.S., you do have to be aware of certain tax implications. To entice miners to keep racing to solve the puzzles and support the overall system, the Bitcoin code rewards miners with 6.25 BTC for each new block.

How to install the MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading platforms on macOS

By Forex TradingNo Comments

LimeFx mt4

There are several ways to open a trade in MetaTrader 4, you can place an order even directly from the chart with 1 click. MetaTrader 5 introduces enhancements for both automated and market orders. It supports the execution of 2 market orders, 6 pending orders, and 2 stop limefx scam orders. Furthermore, the MetaTrader 5 platform comes with an integrated economic calendar. The new platform has addressed the limitations of MT4 and introduced various new features and interfaces. One noticeable change is its interface, which includes expanded menus.

Opening a MetaTrader 4 Account

The investment instruments tab, for instance, showcases assets earmarked for buying and selling. The interests of LimeFx’ clients are protected by the Financial Commission’s Compensation Fund for up to €20,000 per claim. If you have entered your login details correctly, you will be connected to your trading account.

The world’s most popular instruments at your fingertips

  1. Later Dan gained insight into the forex industry during his time as a Series 3 licenced futures and forex broker.
  2. MT4 has been widely adopted by the online trading industry and has a large user base, which has helped to ensure that it is secure and reliable.
  3. If there is no need to close positions for an account, this account line must be unchecked in the table.
  4. When you download MT4 from LimeFx, the MACD and Moving Average EAs are already installed.

You can find EAs under the “Navigator” tab in the upper-left corner of the screen. When you download MT4 from LimeFx, the MACD and Moving Average EAs are already installed. In addition, these tools allow you to understand the Elliott Wave theory better and identify support and resistance levels. Apart from the provided plugins and indicators, you can also acquire additional plugins, and if you’re tech-savvy, you can even create your own.

Evolution of the Forex

LimeFx mt4

The LimeFx web platform includes popular features like one-click trading, trading from the chart, and watchlists. In my experience, placing trades and managing open positions and pending orders from this platform is smooth and easy. MetaTrader 4 supports automated trading through the use of Expert Advisors (EAs) and custom indicators, which can be written in MQL4, a programming language. EAs and custom indicators allow traders to automate their trading strategies, test them using backtesting, and execute them in a fully automated manner on the platform.

LimeFx could improve by offering private account insurance from Lloyds of London and cutting their withdrawal fees. The MetaTrader 5 mobile app also provides many order types, including pending and stop orders. However, trailing stop-loss orders are only available from the desktop. To change the language of the MT5 app, you must change the language for your entire phone. As with the desktop and web platforms, the interface is not highly intuitive, but the MT5 app offers an above-average range of features.

You’ll know the EA is active when you see a smiley face icon in the upper-right corner of the price chart where the EA is applied. However, the introduction of MT5 doesn’t mean that its predecessor, MetaTrader 4, became obsolete. Both platforms continue to serve different purposes and cater to different user preferences. In case of any disputes or issues, you can request your transaction records to protect your rights. The MetaTrader 4 interface comprises an array of functional windows.

There are many trading platforms available on the market, but we’ll talk about the most popular one – MetaTrader4. Once you install MetaTrader 4, you’ll have your own special username and password to use. To understand how the platform works, it’s a good idea to take online courses and self-study trading theory. Practicing on a demo account, mirroring a real account but with virtual funds, allows traders to gain trading experience without risking their own money. Multiple close of several counter positions allows simultaneous closing of more than two counter positions for one instrument.

Via the Standard Account, the spreads at LimeFx could be more competitive. However, I also tested the ECN Account and recorded spreads of 0.4 pips in EUR/USD and 3.4 pips in spot gold. A commission of $2.5 per lot per side is added for all instruments. Spreads and swap fees are clearly detailed in the Trading Instruments section of the website.

You can not only make notes on the chart but also place elements and figures, making the market picture more comprehendible. To activate an EA on a specific price chart, first enable the “Auto Trading” function on the toolbar. Then, drag the EA from the Navigator window and drop it onto an open price chart.

Note that you must verify your payment details before you can withdraw. However, the payment system you use will charge you transaction fees. All deposits are free, and LimeFx will compensate you for any commission you pay using your preferred depth method regardless of the amount of the deposited fund. LimeFx is rated “excellent” on Trustpilot with a 4.6 rating based on 897 ratings. This high rating underscores the broker’s satisfactory customer service. Expert Advisors (EAs/trading robots) are essential if you seek to automate your trading.

MetaTrader 4 (MT4) is suitable for traders of all levels as it offers a user-friendly interface, advanced charting tools, and a range of customization options. It also supports automated trading through the use of Expert Advisors (EAs) and allows for easy integration with a wide range of third-party indicators and tools. A trading platform is a software that allows traders to place trades in the international financial markets and monitor their accounts with financial intermediaries.

LimeFx mt4

We rate regulators on a scale of 1 to 3, with 1 reflecting the highest level of trust. By continuing to browse this website, you agree to our Cookie policy.

To close counter positions for a particular instrument, press “Multiple Close By” button. An opposite position in relation to the given position is a counter position for the same instrument. If there is one or more counter positions among open positions, the selected position can be closed by the counter one. In this tab, one can close a position by a counter position for all or selected accounts.

Using the indicators and applying them to charts, a trader can easily detect trends, determine volumes, spot various technical figures and much more. LimeFx is a global online broker, offering its services since 2007. Our mission is to provide clients and partners around the world with the opportunity to become successful in the financial markets.

Overall, my experience with customer support at LimeFx was positive and better than average for the industry. Help is available in multiple languages to assist clients across various global regions. My email inquiries were answered almost immediately, and the live chat support was reliable.

100+ Sobriety Tattoo Ideas To Mark Your Sober Journey

By Sober livingNo Comments

small sobriety tattoos

It’s a popular choice for those looking for sobriety tattoos, recovery tattoo ideas, or just a beautiful reminder of their journey to a sober life. This simple yet powerful sobriety tattoo features the infinity symbol intertwined with a phrase, symbolizing endless recovery and a never-fading commitment to staying sober. It whispers a personal promise, “life does come back,” as a daily reminder for those on a lifelong journey of sobriety. The design is packed with hope, making it a perfect piece for anyone seeking recovery tattoo ideas to celebrate their path to a clean life.

small sobriety tattoos

Addiction Treatment Options

small sobriety tattoos

Sobriety tattoos inspired by these slogans can be empowering symbols for individuals seeking strength and inspiration in various aspects of life. Remember, these are but two of many inspirational phrases one can seal into their skin as a constant reminder of the fight against addiction. The journey of recovery is a deeply personal one, and tattoos can serve as enduring memoirs of this path. In the journey to sobriety, every milestone is significant and worth celebrating.

Selecting the Right Artist for Your Recovery Tattoo

small sobriety tattoos

Of course, other birds are also popular options for symbolizing addiction recovery. This is because, like the butterfly, the majestic image of a bird taking flight captures the essence of serenity, peace, and freedom we seek during recovery. Beyond just fashion, SOBRLIFE Clothing strives to create a community where individuals in recovery can connect and support each other. Through their inclusive approach, they foster an environment that celebrates milestones, shares stories of triumph, and encourages small sobriety tattoos the way.

  • Let’s explore the different sobriety tattoo meanings and what they represent.
  • Well, if you are looking for simple and small sobriety tattoos, then you may want to consider getting the AA symbol – this is a triangle inside of a circle.
  • They can represent the shedding of a previous life dominated by substance use disorders and the emergence of a new, healthier self.
  • It’s a personal and profound way to recognize the journey thus far and to look forward to the continued path of recovery with hope and pride.
  • These tattoos can be significant, as they serve as a reminder of what struggles the wearer has overcome.
  • Sobriety tattoos serve as motivational reminders of a person’s courageous decision to achieve a sober lifestyle.
  • It whispers a personal promise, “life does come back,” as a daily reminder for those on a lifelong journey of sobriety.

What is the Symbol for Sobriety?

Sobriety tattoos can represent a personal journey of recovery and overcoming addiction. They signify strength, determination, and a commitment to a clean and sober lifestyle. These tattoos can also serve as reminders of the challenges faced and the progress made in maintaining sobriety. Additionally, sobriety tattoos can symbolize resilience, hope, and a new beginning. A popular placement for sobriety tattoos is the wrist, as it is a visible reminder to stay strong and committed to the path of sobriety.

If you are a recovering alcoholic, then you may want to consider the Alcoholics Anonymous symbol which is a triangle inside of a circle. They can be used by individuals new to recovery or people who have been in recovery for years. It lets others know that you are committed to staying sober and helping them understand recovery. For many individuals who have or are actively overcoming addiction, this recovery process can be extremely difficult. Sobriety tattoos can help ease this struggle, through serving as a permanent badge of a person’s determination to become sober and achieve a more stable life.

small sobriety tattoos

  • Sharing the story of your tattoo with others in recovery can also serve as a powerful reminder of its significance, reinforcing your commitment to sobriety and encouraging others on their paths.
  • This can manifest either as an individual wearing these symbols as physical accessories (i.e., a necklace, bracelet, or other apparel), or in a more permanent form, such as a tattoo on their body.
  • Each milestone tattoo serves as a badge of honor and a motivational reminder of the victories achieved and those yet to come.
  • This symbol serves as a reminder of the progress made on their sobriety journey.

Sobriety tattoos can also serve as reminders of the promises made during treatment or at a 12-step meeting. Additionally, sobriety tattoos can be used to celebrate and honor milestones in recovery, such as a certain amount of time sober or the successful completion of a rehab program. For many individuals, a sobriety tattoo is also a way to symbolize the hard work that goes into maintaining Oxford House a life free from drugs and alcohol. This sobriety tattoo features a simplistic line art of a semicolon combined with the recovery symbol, signifying continuity and the choice to keep moving forward.

small sobriety tattoos

  • Perfect for someone looking for meaningful recovery tattoo ideas that express their dedication to stay afloat during tough times.
  • This means that you can add color, detail, and a lot more to bring your AA sobriety tattoo to life.
  • There are many symbols that are easily recognized within the recovery community.
  • It’s a popular design among recovery tattoos, expressing commitment to a new chapter in life.
  • This delicate sobriety tattoo symbolizes the journey of recovery with a minimalist compass design, indicating the direction towards a sober life.
  • The star chose a very delicate design that is now located on her inner arm.
  • Remember, these are but two of many inspirational phrases one can seal into their skin as a constant reminder of the fight against addiction.

This sobriety tattoo features the inspirational “Serenity Prayer” in elegant script, symbolizing a commitment to recovery and the embracing of life’s journey, one step at a time. It’s a popular choice among recovery tattoos, embodying hope and the strength found in sobriety. This sobriety tattoo features the powerful words “Serenity”, “Courage”, and “Wisdom” in flowing script, symbolizing the journey of recovery and the strength it takes to maintain it. It’s a popular choice for those seeking recovery tattoos that remind them of their continuous path to sobriety. Incorporating specific symbols of transformation from one’s recovery or sober living program can further personalize this type of tattoo.